Tuesday, 22 July 2014

What to wear: Limited Edition Tamara Tobias

It's been ages since I last posted anything on here and I have no excuses… EXCEPT that I have been rather preoccupied with the hazy, exhausting, but glorious bubble of first-time motherhood. As my baby boy has just turned one, I have promised myself that I will get back on the blogging bandwagon very soon!

In the meantime, I just had to pop in to do a little cheerleading for a super talented friend of mine - founder of Tamara Tobias - Tammy Fowler. Tammy launched her label at 8 months pregnant! Yes, I repeat, 8 months pregnant! When I was basically living on ice cream and ‘resting and nesting’, she was working non-stop to get her first collection designed and ready.

Tammy has just added this new limited edition scarf to her already amazing summer collection. Once it’s gone it’s gone, so I thought I would spread the word as far and wide as I could!
Limited edition Ganet's scarf 

Tammy’s design was inspired by a primary school in Northern Malawi. The school was recently damaged by flash floods and Tammy has promised that 75% of the profits from the scarf will go into a fund to support the school. What’s not to love?

I have been amazed and endlessly impressed at how she has created a thriving business, while juggling the demands of being a really great mummy. Maybe we need to get her on here to tell us her secret!

To find out more about this school, what the fund is achieving and what you can do to help go to www.ganetsadventureschool.org

To see more of Tammy’s beautiful scarves, go to www.tamaratobias.com

Here are some of my faves for the new season:

lots of love & have a happy day

A xx

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Thursday, 17 January 2013

What's on your list?

Photo credit: Typography Served

Happy New Year! I know we're a bit late to the party, but January is not over yet!

I'm not really one for making New Year's resolutions - I'm all about under promising and over-delivering - vague things like, "I should exercise more" and "I'm going to try and be punctual" mean I almost always reach my goal! However, the past few weeks have got me thinking about what I really want out of this year and my list goes a little something like this...

1. I will bake more

I adore baking and get a lot of joy out of it, but I don't do it often enough. This year, I'm going to aim to bake two new things a month (be that biscuits, cakes, tarts, desserts - as long as it is something I'd like to eat, it qualifies!).  Husband, get ready to take treats in to work!

2. I will commit to 3 work-outs a week

Now this is a scary one for me - as much as I try, I can't seem to enjoy exercise. I like the idea of it and the way I feel afterwards, but I count down the minutes/seconds/nano-seconds until it's over. Mostly, I just like the idea of having a toned bod. So for 2013, my aim is to do some form of exercise at least 3 times a week (it can be a walk, run, DVD, exercise sheet - as long as it gets me moving). I'm dreading it already... if I can't learn to love it, hopefully I can learn to tolerate it!

3. I will read more books

I love reading and I'd like to broaden my reading horizons in 2013. I'm going to choose 12 books to read before the end of the year (the only criteria is that they can't be chick-lit - my standard go-to read!). As this is my list, I also get to decide what constitutes chick-lit... :)

4. I will be more creative

I am a Pinterest addict. I can spend hours poring over ideas and crafts which lead me to new websites and blogs. There are so many clever and talented people out there and I am always so inspired by what I come across. Last year, I made a Christmas bauble wreath. I had wanted to make one for a long time and throughly enjoyed it. So this year I would like to put a bit more of the 'Oooh, I'd like to make that' into action. I'm setting myself a goal of creating something new every month, using Pinterest as my inspiration. I'll be sure to document my successes (and those that aren't so successful!) on the blog. 

5. I will relax more

I want to stress less in 2013. Last year was a busy and emotional one for me. This year will be more about me finding time for myself, saying 'no' when I need to, spending quality time with my husband and friends, appreciating life and living in the moment.

What's on your list for 2013?


Friday, 21 December 2012

A year ago today - 21. 12. 2011

It's amazing to think a year ago today, I was preparing to walk towards the man I would promise to love and cherish forever. I can still feel the butterflies in my stomach as I remember stepping into my dress for the first time, hugging my mum tightly, looking into my dad's excited and love-filled eyes as he took my arm to walk me down the aisle. The crunch of the stones under my heels as we walked up through the lavender, warm sun on our backs, blue skies and the impressive and dramatic Franschhoek mountains as a backdrop, I can remember thinking - could this be more perfect. 

Thanks to the lovely Christine Meintjes for our beautiful photos www.christinemeintjes.co.za/2012/02/14/abi-james-love-story-with-an-happy-ending/

The day went off without a hitch, aside from a near spin into the cake (video evidence here) on our entrance into the reception, but all in all, it was the perfect day, in the perfect location, surrounded by all the people we love in the world, marrying the perfect man. So I guess, a year later all I can say is - I still feel like the luckiest girl alive. Not a day goes by that I don't pinch myself. Yes, of course, life is not always rosy. We are both highly passionate and dramatic (ok, well I am atleast) we are both feisty and fiercely loyal Scorpios, so we do have our moments and can drive eachother crackers (ok, me again) - but in short we are BFFs, the loves of eachothers' lives and our own biggest fans - so if all the years to follow are as good as year one - we're onto a good thing. Happy Anniversary to my favourite person in the world, may the next year be filled with even more love, exciting changes, challenges, champagne bubbles and bundles of joy! (wink wink).

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Happy Snapping - December Photo a Day challenge

After a break in November, I am back again my new iphone primed and at the ready for fatmumslim's December Photo a Day challenge. Will you be joining in? Come on you know you want to... 

For a reminder of what to do and some photo taking tips for when you feel uninspired or stuck, head over to Chantelle's excellent fatmumslim blog, it's full of great ideas. Good luck and happy festive snapping xx

Sunday, 25 November 2012

What to eat today - Sausage, kale and flageolet cassoulet

I don't know about you, but in our household on a Sunday, there are three things that happen without fail.

1. Extra hot lattes and honey toast in bed
2. A dash to the shops to get the Sunday Times AND
3. No matter what the weather, something will be put on the stove to cook and bubble away filling the house with delicious and comforting aromas. 

This particular recipe, from Leon, is just gorgeous. I can't claim to have discovered it myself - but when I tasted it for the first time, I knew it would become a Sunday fave (thanks Nick and Fi). For starters, I love anything with sausages and beans, throw in kale and crispy bread and I am sold!

Sausage, kale and flageolet cassoulet Photograph: Tricia de Courcy Ling for the Guardian

Serves 4

2 tins cooked flageolets beans (you can use others, I have used butter beans and they are just as good)
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
500g sausages (cumberland or toulouse), cut into 2.5cm chunks
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1 heaped tbsp rosemary, finely chopped
1 large or 2 small red onions, cut into large chunks
800ml chicken stock
75ml double cream
300g kale (woody stalks removed), chopped into 5cm pieces
Small handful of flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped
Crispy bread - ciabatta or a french baguette 

  1. Heat the oil in a deep, heavy-based casserole dish and fry the sausage pieces until golden brown
  2. Add the garlic and rosemary, then turn down the heat and stir in the onions. 
  3. Cover with a lid and cook gently for 15 minutes until the onions are soft and lightly browning, giving the occasional stir.
  4. Pour in the chicken stock, add the beans and season.
  5. Bring to a relaxed simmer and cook for around 20 minutes, skimming as necessary. 
  6. I add a bit of lemon zest in here, but that is up to you
  7. Stir in the cream and kale and mix well, then simmer for 10 minutes with a lid on and another 10 minutes without. 
  8. Adjust the seasoning and finish with the chopped parsley.
  9. Serve with crispy bread and a buttery white chardonnay ... mmm

Happy Sunday y'all 

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Photo a day - October

October is my absolute favourite month in the whole year... it reminds me of being a kid again. From the change in season - the crisp feeling in the air - to kicking up the Autumn leaves and the excitement of Halloween, sparkling nights,  mulled wine and fireworks - it all just makes me feel happy. I guess it's also partly down to October being birthday season in my family - one of which is mine.. and also my beautiful Pleasure Treasure counterpart. We are two days apart which always gives us an excuse for two double date dinners (love) AND two parties (double love)!

However,  more of that to come in later posts. For now, this is just a little reminder to say get ready for the new October 'photo a day' challenge from Chantelle, the fab mummy blogger behind Fat Mum Slim

Remember this month the hashtag is slightly different - it's fmsphotoaday - good luck, enjoy and happy snapping.

To read more about how it works or inspiration and ideas go to Fat Mum Slim.