Although, I must admit, in those first moments of meeting Noah, it didn’t even cross my mind whether he was a boy or girl. He was just beautiful, healthy and I was in love. And it was sweet to be the one to find out that the little bundle of newborn cuteness was a boy. Husband was obviously thrilled with his son and heir.
However, there is no right or wrong, it is just personal preference. I thought I would ask around, what did you do, and what led you to the decision? For second time around, would you find out?
And of course, if you just can’t wait, but still want a bit of fanfare and a surprise - there is always the option of a gender reveal party. What is it? Basically, when you go for your 20 week scan the midwife writes the gender of your baby down and pops it into a sealed envelope. You give the envelope to a bakery, or a friend who can keep a secret, and they bake a cake, plain on the outside and either pink or blue on the inside. Throw a shindig – cut the cake and whoopla – gender revealed!!
Anyway, let me know what you did and if you would have done it any other way..
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