Showing posts with label Photo challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photo challenge. Show all posts

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Happy Snapping - December Photo a Day challenge

After a break in November, I am back again my new iphone primed and at the ready for fatmumslim's December Photo a Day challenge. Will you be joining in? Come on you know you want to... 

For a reminder of what to do and some photo taking tips for when you feel uninspired or stuck, head over to Chantelle's excellent fatmumslim blog, it's full of great ideas. Good luck and happy festive snapping xx

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Photo a day challenge - August

It's the first day of August and not only does it mean we're heavily into the Olympics in London and we are over half way through 'summer' of 2012 - it also means a new monthly photo challenge from Australian blogger Chantelle of Fat Mum Slim. Both of us in the PT team have been doing the challenge for a few months now and it is totally addictive. One of us is definitely better than the other -no names mentioned (Nicky) but as she says to me on a monthly basis: 'There are no hard and fast rules. It's just for fun, if you miss a day, just catch up or go to the next'. 

So once again I am dusting off my iphone lens and getting ready for an epic month of happy snapping! Hopefully this time I can complete the circuit and win the gold (sorry shameful but obligatory Olympic puns!) and finish the month without missing a day. 

If you're keen to take part, all you have to do is save the photo list below and get snapping. You can keep your photos to yourself or if you want to share to twitter or facebook remember to use the hashtag #photoadayaug. Let us know if you've done the challenge before as we'd love to see how you've done so far.  

To find out about how the photo challenge will change your life pop over to Chantelle's site. You can also follow her on Twitter @fatmumslim and Instagram and see how she does her thing - it might inspire you.

Nicky's #photoadayjuly 

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Silent Sunday - Today we are...

Loving the Olympics fever in London
Wondering where the sunshine has disappeared to
Making Jamie's strawberry and halloumi salad
Drinking Pimms
Eating strawberries and cream (we can't get enough!)
Going for gold with Stella McCartney

Are you watching the Olympics? What did you get up to today?

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Silent Sunday - Today we are...

Sunning ourselves in the garden
Eating fresh berries and reading the Sunday papers
Painting our nails Tropical Breeze with L.A. Colors Color Craze
Being thankful for blue skies
Making Thomasina Miers' Three-Tomato Salad
Going for a lazy afternoon stroll

How are you celebrating your Sunday?

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Silent Sunday - Today we are..

Watching Wimbledon (Go Fed)!
Eating strawberries (and cream - tsk tsk but so tasty)
Making (and drinking) Strawberry Champagne cocktails (thanks Jamie Oliver)
Enjoying the smell and look of freshly cut roses (is there anything better)
Cooking a roast chicken (the husband's fave)
Enjoying the intermittent bursts of real sunshine (YAY - no wellies today)
Wearing yellow (see above ;)

What are you doing and who are you supporting? We’re a hung jury here! One Murray and one die-hard Fed.

Happy Sunday, we’ll see you in the week!

Monday, 7 May 2012

Photo challenge - Sunday Munching

We both love taking photos and are currently taking part in #photoadaymay. To switch it up a bit, we have now decided to have a go at our own challenge for all our fellow foodies out there called Sunday munching (#sundaymunching).

Sunday is the day we get to kick off our heels, lie in as late as we like and just take it easy. So whether it's a simple breakfast, a long lazy afternoon roast or an early evening snack... on a Sunday, there shouldn't be any rules and you should have whatever you want  - whenever you want it. There are no restrictions in this challenge, so go wild and get creative - photograph anything tasty, be it a before and after pic, a meal at a restaurant, something you baked, a recipe you love - the options are endless and we would love to see what you come up with. Upload and share as many photos as you want – just don’t forget to use the hashtag #sundaymunching.


If you want to join in and share your photos here’s how:
Download the free INSTAGRAM app to your phone. Once you have taken a photo in Instagram, you can change the look and feel of your photo with a range of filters and soft focus. Use the hashtag #sundaymunching in the caption so others can see your photos and if you want you can share to Twitter or Facebook directly from instagram.

Happy snapping and as always, enjoy your Sunday munching xx