Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 January 2013

What's on your list?

Photo credit: Typography Served

Happy New Year! I know we're a bit late to the party, but January is not over yet!

I'm not really one for making New Year's resolutions - I'm all about under promising and over-delivering - vague things like, "I should exercise more" and "I'm going to try and be punctual" mean I almost always reach my goal! However, the past few weeks have got me thinking about what I really want out of this year and my list goes a little something like this...

1. I will bake more

I adore baking and get a lot of joy out of it, but I don't do it often enough. This year, I'm going to aim to bake two new things a month (be that biscuits, cakes, tarts, desserts - as long as it is something I'd like to eat, it qualifies!).  Husband, get ready to take treats in to work!

2. I will commit to 3 work-outs a week

Now this is a scary one for me - as much as I try, I can't seem to enjoy exercise. I like the idea of it and the way I feel afterwards, but I count down the minutes/seconds/nano-seconds until it's over. Mostly, I just like the idea of having a toned bod. So for 2013, my aim is to do some form of exercise at least 3 times a week (it can be a walk, run, DVD, exercise sheet - as long as it gets me moving). I'm dreading it already... if I can't learn to love it, hopefully I can learn to tolerate it!

3. I will read more books

I love reading and I'd like to broaden my reading horizons in 2013. I'm going to choose 12 books to read before the end of the year (the only criteria is that they can't be chick-lit - my standard go-to read!). As this is my list, I also get to decide what constitutes chick-lit... :)

4. I will be more creative

I am a Pinterest addict. I can spend hours poring over ideas and crafts which lead me to new websites and blogs. There are so many clever and talented people out there and I am always so inspired by what I come across. Last year, I made a Christmas bauble wreath. I had wanted to make one for a long time and throughly enjoyed it. So this year I would like to put a bit more of the 'Oooh, I'd like to make that' into action. I'm setting myself a goal of creating something new every month, using Pinterest as my inspiration. I'll be sure to document my successes (and those that aren't so successful!) on the blog. 

5. I will relax more

I want to stress less in 2013. Last year was a busy and emotional one for me. This year will be more about me finding time for myself, saying 'no' when I need to, spending quality time with my husband and friends, appreciating life and living in the moment.

What's on your list for 2013?


Wednesday, 26 September 2012

In the bag - holiday reading

I love reading, but for some reason I never seem to get time to do it in my busy work week (something I am working on). On the odd occasions that I  manage to get to bed as early as possible to read - I get half way through a chapter and bang - I fall asleep. So, if it's a school night I tend to stick to cook books (I have a pile by my bed ALWAYS), online newspapers and the odd interior design magazine.

HOWEVER, as soon as I am on holiday I relish nothing more than, lying by the pool or beach and getting stuck into a good book or two - as does my husband, who on holiday is dubbed the Constant Reader. So, this Friday, as I am jetting off on holiday and don't want to be bored waiting for the Constant Reader to finish his chapter in time to get me another cocktail, I have chosen a few books to have in my bag for both on the plane and by pool. I'm not sure about you, but I like to have a bit of a mix - one serious, one not so serious and then a couple of wild cards... this is what I have in my bag this holiday ... what's in yours?

The inspirational one: Build a business from your kitchen    
Sophie Cornish and Holly Tucker

Now I never win anything... .A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G - so when I won this much coveted book in a blog contest, I literally back flipped in my living room! And ever since I have been dying to read it! It follows the story of the two fantastic and inspiring women who founded one of my favourite sites - My dream has always been to be my own boss, run my own business and have something to be proud of, so this one is my inspirational read. 

The saucy/naughty one: Fifty Shades Trilogy  
E L James 
Ok ok ok, now I know I am VERY late onto this bandwagon, but for some reason this book has just not appealed to me at all. However, I've never been one to sit on the sidelines and not give something a go, so I thought - why the hell not. I have read review after review - some good, some bad, some downright hilarious - but will approach this trilogy poolside, with an open mind and a cold glass of vino in hand... 

The 'incase Fifty Shades doesn't work out one': How to be a woman Caitlin Moran

I have only heard good things about this book - one word - excited!

The can't live without one: Red Magazine 

So it's not a exactly a book - but it's my holiday and my rules. No long haul flight is  complete without my monthly bible - Red Magazine. From fashion to beauty, food and the excellent Alpha Male column by Rosie Green (who the Constant Reader thinks is actually my alter ego) - nothing makes the post chicken or beef option more bearable! To be read with a glass of wine before the in flight movie. 

What's your reading style? And what kind of books do you take on holiday with you? We'd love to know. xx